This film is about the conflict between the native born Israelis and the European refugees. Prejudices, rumors, and unfair treatments were all problems in Tel Aviv during the time period of the European immigration to Israel.


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The Wooden Gun
A Film by: Ilan Moshenson
(Israel, 1979, 95 Minutes, Color, Hebrew, English subtitles, Cast: Eric Rosen, Judith Sole, Ophelia Strahl, Leo Yung, Louis Rosenberg )

The Wooden Gun takes place in Tel Aviv in the early 1950's. In a clear-eyed fashion that would have been impossible in a film made by "outsiders", the plot details the conflict between native-born Israelis and the newly arrived European refugees.

The various fears and prejudices of the adults are passed along to their children, upon whom director Hans Moshenson concentrates. Largely comprised of nonprofessionals, the teenager protagonists and antagonists are remarkable in their sincerity and conviction.


• Film Archive Austria 2019

• University of Pennsylvania 2020