This musical, quasi-documentary film follows the making of the music album “Shablul” by Arik Einstein and Shalom Hanoch. Influenced by The Beatles, interspersed with humorous skits, and loaded with classic songs from Einstein and Hanoch, “The Snail” brings back the 60's and the Israeli pop and rock scene.


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The Snail (Shablul)
A Film by: Boaz Davidson
(Israel, 1970, 80 Minutes, Black & white, Hebrew, English subtitles, Cast: Arik Einstein, Uri Zohar, Ze'ev Revach, Israel Segal)

This musical, quasi-documentary film follows the making of the music album “Shablul” by Arik Einstein and Shalom Hanoch. Influenced by The Beatles, interspersed with humorous skits, and loaded with classic songs from Einstein and Hanoch, “The Snail” brings back the 60's and the Israeli pop and rock scene.

Available for the USA and Canada only