A semi-auto biographic drama by acclaimed director Maor Zaguri, of a boy who discovers his own sexuality alongside his mother's passing. A story of guilt and regret that a sensitive teenager carries through a journey to lose his virginity.
Written and directed by: Maor Zaguri
(Israel 2022, 125 mins, Hebrew, English subtitles)
Main Cast: Maor Levi, Liana Ayoun, Amos Tamam, Chen Amsalem-Zaguri
“When does a boy become a man?"
A semi-auto biographic drama by acclaimed director Maor Zaguri, of a boy who discovers his own sexuality alongside his mother's passing. A story of guilt and regret that a sensitive teenager carries through a journey to lose his virginity.
Set against the hypnotic desert landscapes, he is swept up in an erotic discovery and must bid goodbye to his childhood. An intimate journey, saturated with fear and lust, of one boy’s path to manhood.
Talinn's Youth and Children's Film Festival 2022 - International Premiere