In this satirical comedy God is a young and ambitious entrepreneur trying to recruit his first customer, a cranky old man named Abraham. Old Abraham is a fearless negotiator, with a "deal breaker" demand: the immediate rescue of his nephew Lot - the only righteous man in Sodom - from the city which is about to be obliterated.


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The is Sodom
A Film by: Adam Sanderson and Muli Segev
(Israel, 2010, 88 Minutes, Color, Hebrew, English subtitles, Cast: Dov Navon, Tal Friedman, Alma Zak, Eli Finish, Assi Cohen, Mariano Idelman, Eyal Kitzis, Yuval Semo, Maor Cohen, Moti Kirshenbaum, Orna Banai)

In this comedy set at the dawn of monotheism, God tries to recruit tough negotiator Abraham as his first customer. Old Abraham refuses unless God rescues his nephew, Lot, from Sodom, about to be obliterated due to its residents’ never-ending sins. Yet as God sends his angels to rescue Sodom, they discover that scruples are of no consequence when things get rough, and Lot’s wife redefines the meaning of “opportunism”. Will Lot escape the world’s most nefarious city? Or does God have a different plan in mind?

• Israeli Film Festival Paris
• Israeli Film Festival, Los Angles
• Israeli Film Festival, New York
• Austin Jewish Film Festival
• Michael-Ann Russell JCC, Miami Beach
• Dallas Jewish Film Festival
• Edmonton Jewish Film Festival
• FilmIsrael Festival, Amsterdam
• The Montreal Israeli Film Festival
• JCC of Huston - Summer Israeli Film Series
• Rochester Jewish Film Festival
• South Africa - Tararam
• Israel Film Festival Moscow
• Chicago Jewish Film Festival
• Jewish Federation of Greater Orlando
• Atlanta Jewish Film Festival, February 2012
• Louisville Jewish Film Festival, February 2012
• Israeli Film Festival Tomsk Russia, February-March 2012
• Israeli Film Festival Novosibirsk Russia, March 2012
• Maine Jewish Film Festival, March 2012
• Nice Israeli Film Festival, March 2012
• Sacramento Jewish Film Festival, March 2012