The film goes into the bubble and enters the world of deaf people. It also tells the story of people like Lee, who are between both worlds, between the majority and the minority, between silence and sound.


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The Woman from the Bubble

A Film by: Netta Loevy
(Israel, 2007, 59 Minutes, Color, Hebrew, English subtitles)

“I know you from TV,” says Khaled, a deaf Palestinian, to Lee Dan, an Israeli sign language interpreter, when he meets her at an army checkpoint. Lee laughs. She’s got this special ring to her laugh which sometimes even deaf people can pick up. Hearing people, too, know her from the small “bubble” on the TV screen, translating programs into sign language. Outside the bubble, Lee goes on interpreting for deaf people in various situations: at school, in court, in therapy, even in the delivery room. The film goes into the bubble, and tells the story of people like Lee, who live between silence and sound. 

• “A wonderful documentary… heart warming” - Yedioth Ahronot newspaper

• “The film, like its hero, touches ones heart… directed tender care” - Haaretz
• "A fascinating work of art… For the first time, the didactic tone vanishes and one finds out that deaf people have humor and can even swear and act rudely” - Israel Ha’Yom 


• International Women's Film Festival In Rehovot 2008
• Austin Jewish Film Festival
• Seattle Jewish Film Festival
• Chicago Israeli Film Festival
• Phoenix Jewish Film Festival
• WorldFilm -Tartu Film Festival of Visual Culture, Estonia 2009
• Niet Normaal International Exhibition, Amsterdam 2010