This is a story of a group of young Russian immigrants, headed by Slava.


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The Children of USSR

A Film by: Felix Gerchikov

(Israel, 2007, 96 Minutes, Color, Hebrew/Russian, English subtitles, Cast: Vladimir Freedman, Daniel Brook, Tamara Kleingun )

Slava and his friends, a group of young Russian immigrants, are out of place, frustrated and alone in    the harsh setting of a small desert town in Southern Israel. Victor, an older immigrant who used to be     a soccer coach, suggests they set up a soccer team to compete in the local tournament. The soccer field becomes their home away from home, the place where they can be themselves, and where they  can prove their worth: to themselves, to each other, and most importantly, to the new world in which  they find themselves.

• Mizel Museum, Denver
• Vienna Jewish Film Festival