This is the story of the rescue of 700 children from occupied Poland and their grueling journey to Palestine in the winter of 1943.


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The Children of Teheran

A Film by: Yehuda Kaveh, David Tour & Dalia Guttman
(Israel, 2007, 63 Minutes, Color, Hebrew/English, English subtitles)

This is the story of the rescue of 700 children from occupied Poland and their grueling journey to Palestine in the winter of 1943. This unprecedented operation took the children, many without their parents, on a tortuous path that led them to distant lands, including Teheran, before they arrived safely in Palestine. For the Jewish settlement, the Children of Teheran were the first survivors of the Holocaust who attested to the horrors of war-torn Europe. 

• Toronto Jewish Film Festival
• Kansas Jewish Film Festival
• Jewish Motifs Film Festival, Warsaw
• Jewish Federation of Ottawa
• Iranian Studies Conference
• Stamford JCC
• Forum of Israeli Cinema in Russia