The story of Guy, an ambitious young television director who is sent to shoot a reality film with a strange and problematic camera crew at the home of a ruthless crime boss. There, he hosts a successful pop singer who is not aware of the identity of her host. The encounter between them and the rest of the group will change their lives forever.
My Boss Charlie
Directed by Shay Kanot, Written by Shay Kanot, Haim Barbi, Roi Idan
(Israel 2022, 95 mins: English, Hebrew, French, Arabic, Spanish , English subtitles)
Main Cast: : Noa Kirel, Michael Aloni, Lin Asherov, Alon Aboutbol
My Boss Charlie tells the story of Guy (Michael Aloni), an ambitious young television director who is sent to shoot a reality film with a strange and problematic camera crew at the home of a ruthless crime boss (Alon Aboutboul). There, he hosts a successful pop singer (Noa Kirel) who is not aware of the identity of her host. The encounter between them and the rest of the group will change their lives forever.