This is the story of a tragicomic journey to Germany by an Israeli used car dealer and his faithful assistant, who try to earn a handsome profit selling an American luxury car - Lincoln Continental Limousine - that they bought in Israel for an once-in-a-lifetime bargain price.
Metallic Blues
A Film by: Dan Verete
(Israel/Canada/Germany, 2004, 90 Minutes, Color, Hebrew, English subtitles, Cast: Avi Kushnir, Moshe Ivgy, Ulrich Matschoss, Rolf Nagel )
This is the story of a tragicomic journey to Germany by an Israeli used car dealer and his faithful assistant, who try to earn a handsome profit selling an American luxury car - Lincoln Continental Limousine - that they bought in Israel for an once-in-a-lifetime bargain price.
It’s the story of a dream and how it ishattered, a journey of two men who wander through a rich, strange and frozen Germany in the dead of winter, initially trying to make a quick buck and eventually struggling to escape with their last few pennies and most of all – their dignity.
• Israeli Film Academy Awards - Best Supporting Actor
• Jerusalem Film Festival - Best Screenplay and Best Actor
• São Paulo Jewish Film Festival - Jury Special Mention
• Seattle International Film Festival
• San Francisco Jewish Film Festival
• Toronto Jewish Film Festival
• New Jersey Jewish Film Festival
• Philadelphia Jewish Film Festival
• Copenhagen Jewish Film Festival
• Dayton Jewish Film Festival
• San Diego Jewish Film Festival
• San Antonio Jewish Film Festival