The emotional journey of Hila, mother of 7 year-old Naomi, being torn between her obsession to Shaul, Naomi’s father who's not aware of her existence, and her desperate attempt to keep a stable life with Naomi while trying to learn a different way of love.


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Written and directed by: Michal Bat Adam

(Israel 2024, 105 mins, Hebrew, with English subtitles)

Cast: Jade Daiches Weeks, Yaakov Zada-Daniel, Ayala Peleg, Pini Tavger


Hila, Naomi’s mother, Is shocked to see that Shaul, her daughter's father, is suddenly back in the country with his wife and daughter that for the last 7 years lived abroad. Shaul doesn’t know that he’s Naomi’s father and is not even aware of her existence. Hila tries every possible way to talk to him, but he avoids her. Naomi wants to understand why she doesn’t have a father. She’s befriending Michael, the guard at school, who shows interest in her mother who is trapped in her obsession with Shaul. However, Hila, who tries to keep her life with Naomi stable, starts to find interest in Michael. But as they get closer Hila gets frightened that she might lose Shaul and sends him a desperate message, begging to talk to him. The next day, Shaul agrees to meet with her. 


  • Festival of Israeli Cinema in Paris - 2024