A Darfurian asylum seeker embarks on a farewell journey from Israel to reunite with his wife and daughter in Canada. In a remote Canadian town, a new family is born, yet something is missing. A journey of a man who is constantly on his way home


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Do You Want to Cross the Sea?
Written and Directed by: Michal Veig
Doc, 33min, 2022, Color
Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)
Language: Arabic/Hebrew/English with English subtitles

For the first time, Noureldin Musa, an asylum seeker from Darfur, can start the life he has always imagined. He embarks on a farewell journey from Israel, which became his home, and from the community he led, to reunite with his wife and daughter in Canada. In a remote Canadian town, a new family is born, yet something is missing. A journey of a man who is constantly on his way home.


First Prize for a Student film: Docaviv International Documentary Film Festival, 2022

Tel Aviv International Student Film Festival, 2022