Menachem, an introverted orthodox teenager, secretly leaves his Talmudic boarding school to reconnect with his secular brother, Seffie. During his stay at Seffie's house, it becomes clear to Menachem that he has to choose between the two worlds.


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Written and Directed by: Uriya Hertz

Fic., 12 min., 2014,  HD , Color

Production: The Sam Spiegel Film & TV School - Jerusalem (JSFS)

Language: Hebrew with English subtitles.

Menachem, an introverted orthodox teenager, secretly leaves his Talmudic boarding school to reconnect with his secular brother, Seffie. During his stay at Seffie's house, it becomes clear to Menachem that he has to choose between the two worlds.


Tel-Aviv International Student Film Festival, Israel, 2015; Sao Paulo International Short Film Festival, Brazil, 2015; The Heartland Film Festival, Indianapolis, Indiana, USA, 2015; Long Short Film Festival, Tel-Aviv, Israel, 2015; JLM I Love U Competition as part of the Jerusalem Film Festival, Jerusalem, Israel, 2016; Bengal International Short Film Festival, Kolkata, Bengal, 2016;



 Best Editing Award: Tel-Aviv International Student Film Festival, Israel